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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Busy last couple of weeks

Well Kristin and I have finally put in the applications to have an exhibition to both ANCA and Belconnen Arts Centre - we know that we might not get in so we decided to go for broke .... next year I have a family wedding in NZ, and Exhibition and I am running 2 retreats - that would keep me very much occupied.

The exhibition will be called Through the Lens and it is about our travels through Australia. Kristin with her trusty Canon (drool) and me with a DSLR taking photos and transposing them into mixed media canvases.

So I have been painting too and am really pleased with the results - both are taken from the gorgeous Lanyon - it is on my backdoorstep literally!! As we look onto their back paddock.

I will pop them up tomorrow once things have dried - but I love the new work and I am loving this interesting size too - 1.3 metres by 30 cm - it is really an interesting size to paint.

Mid Summer Afternoon - was a tricky one to paint because it is mainly buildings and perspective is an intersting science - but I am delighted how it turned out - and makes the restaurant the feature of the painting whihc was my intention.

Under the Shade is a lovely landscape and I am really happy with it - the colours are really interesting and though I have never painted cows before - I had a couple of glasses of champagne and found it quite easy once I overcame my fear.

So I will pop them up tomorrow


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